Gender aspects in career structures and career paths
“The European Research Council is an ambitious and autonomous entity which aims to establish itself as a world-leading institution for science funding. Expectations about what it can and will achieve are very high. It is therefore be necessary for the ERC to develop methods to assess progress towards its objectives.
The ERC-2012-SUPPORT-1 projects are focused on gender aspects in career structures and career paths of male and female ERC grantees as well as non-successful ERC applicants. Potential applicants that have not applied may be included as a control group.
The studies could be limited to, but should include, researchers relevant for the Starting Grant Life Science domain.
Furthermore it should be longitudinal studies including all stages of the careers from the university degree to the current position of ERC grantees.
Furthermore it should be longitudinal studies including all stages of the careers from the university degree to the current position of ERC grantees.
The studies may include:
* terms of publications, invitations to conferences, citations etc.
* mobility behaviour and international networking;
* work balance, family background or family support measures or
* Future career perspectives taking into account national research systems;
Duration of projects for this specific call is expected to be of up to one year. It is foreseen that a range of different methods could be appropriate, recognising that different approaches may be appropriate for different disciplines. In all cases, the expected output of the studies should have an impact on the ERC’s operations and should not be of a theoretical nature.”
Please find further information at the EC participant portal