EPWS Short Conference and General Assembly

The 6th General Assembly of 
the European Platform of Women Scientists
will take place
at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, 
Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels
27 September 2012 


14.00 Welcome to the Royal Observatory of Belgium
Dr. R. Van der Linden, Director

14.05 Welcome Address and Opening Remarks,
Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch, EPWS President

14.20 Greetings

14.30 ”Gender Equality on the Way to Horizon 2020”,
Mrs. Nadine Heller-Genath, NCP Bonn, FiF, Germany

15.15 Discussion

15.30 ”Gender Equality in the European Research Council”,
Dr. Monika Lanzenberger, European Research Council, Executive Agency, Brussels

16.15 Discussion

16.30 Coffee Break and Networking

17.00 General Assembly

19.00 Closing Remarks

For all the Practical Information regarding the Venue and accomodation in Brussels, please click here

We look forward to meeting you in Brussels.