EPWS at ITWIIN 2018 – Conference and Awards, Venice, Italy

The ITWIIN (Associazione Italiana Donne Inventrici e Innovatrici, Italian association of Women Inventors and Innovators) prize is awarded to women of Italian residence, or living and working in Italy, belonging to the categories of entrepreneurs, professionals, researchers in all scientific fields, with particular regard for health and life science, as well as arts, design, fashion and education. The award is divided into the following categories: Best inventor, Best innovator, Exceptionally Creative Woman, Capacity Building, High education.

The 10th edition of ITWIIN Conference and Award was held in Venice (Italy) on Nov. 8-9, 2018.



On the first day, the selected candidates presented their projects during 5 mn to the ITWIIN jury (composed of G. Avellis, R. Assogna, A. Fierabracci, R. Martinetti, E. Vaniglia).

On the second day, the conference “Leadership, Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” took place. After the welcome by ITWIIN and the local institutional authorities, the conference focused on three major issues, divided into the following three sessions:

(i) “Associations Experiences”, moderated by Rita Assogna (ITWIIN Honorary President), where EPWS was represented by Lucia Martinelli, EPWS Board member, who gave an invited talk. In this session, the talks by representatives of public and private sectors reported on examples of activities aimed at exploiting women’s creativity and leadership, reducing the Gender gap and enhancing plurality and innovation in the business organisations.

(ii) “Research”, moderated by Gianna Avellis (ITWIIN President) with the keynote speech of Piero Formica (Maynooth University, Ireland) on the importance of idea sharing and conversation, and the presentation of the TheRoleModels.net aimed at networking and mentoring younger women in STEM;

(iii) “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, moderated by Carla Laura Petruzzelli (member of ITWIIN Board and Treasurer), where different experiences (I-cloud, smart working, fiscal issues of innovative projects) of various companies were presented.


Lucia Martinelli (right), EPWS Board member, presenting her talk.


The conference ended with testimonials from the world of research, enterprise and business on female leadership led by the ITWIINNERS, the winners of the ITWIIN awards in the past years, moderated by Angela Bellia (Marie Curie Researcher, IBAM-CNR), Francesca Grippaudo (Sapienza Università di Roma) and Adriana Albini (Università Milano Bicocca, Dir. Lab. IRCCS MultiMedica). Presentations were given by Carla Ferreri (ISOF-CNR and Lipinutragen srl), Alessandra Fierabracci (Università di Roma, Ospedale pediatrico bambino Gesù, Roma), Anna Tampieri (ISTEC-CNR), Roberta Martinetti (Fin-Ceramica Faenza spa) and Elena Santi (Opendesignitalia).

Then, during a Gala Dinner, the awards of ITWIIN2018 were presented to the Best Inventor (M.G. Pizza), Best Innovator (M.G. Piancino), Exceptionally Creative Women (R. Sacchetto), Capacity Building (P. Milani) and High Education (E. Bontempi).


Link to ITWIIN website


The awarded “Best Inventor” M.G. Pizza shows her ITWIIN 2018 prize certificate. Giovanna Avellis, ITWIIN president is second from the right.