EPWS at the international conference Present Challenges of Gender Studies


Panel Ready for Dialogue – Why the Gender Dimension in Science and Research needs Strong Strategic Partnerships at the international conference Present Challenges of Gender Studies, 29 September 2017, University of Cologne

On 29 September 2017, the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS and the Essen College of Gender Research (EKfG) jointly organized a panel Ready for Dialogue – Why the Gender Dimension in Science and Research needs Strong Strategic Partnerships on the specific objectives and special challenges of the integration of the gender dimension in science and research at the international conference „Present Challenges of Gender Studies“ at the University of Cologne, 28-30 September 2017.

The panel focused on the specific objectives and special challenges of the integration of the gender dimension in science and research for researchers, research institutions, governments, funding institutions, science publishers and scientific associations. It aimed to identify how the gender dimension can be bindingly taken into consideration in terms of content, planning, and programme designs at the knowledge as well as the implementation level, in order to yield meaningful results for all members of our society in equal measure.

Short inputs of representatives of selected key stakeholders in the field – Prof. Dr. Sabine Grenz, Vice Chair, Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien // German Gender Studies Association Gender e.V., Dr. Ines Medved, Department Quality and Programme Management, German Research Foundation (DFG), and Barbara Budrich, Founder and Managing Director, Barbara Budrich Publishers – prepared the discussion by more specifically addressing the following questions: What do gender researchers expect from research and funding institutions, science publishers, governments, scientific associations and vice versa? What are the preconditions of a fruitful dialogue from their respective perspective? How can these key stakeholders best join forces and create a strategic alliance?

In the second part of the panel, the conference participants in the audience shared their views and suggestions.

The discussion stressed the need for as well as the interest in a common strategic dialogue among researchers, heads of research institutions, equal opportunities officers, research funders, scientific publishers, policy makers, and citizens to promote the integration of the gender dimension in science and research.


For more information see: https://www.uni-due.de/ekfg/panel_cologne2017.php