EPWS in the Press: Independent German University Magazine

President of the European Heads of Research Councils urges EU to collaborate with national partners to find solution for present financial impasse of the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS.

The European Commission’s Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development are confined to the funding of projects and activities. Is this really effective? Or may this funding policy rather impede that millions in EU funding can deploy their full impact if the sustainability of a project expedient in the long-run may not be guaranteed?

A recent article in duz – Unabhängige Deutsche Universitätszeitung (Independent German University Magazine) in reaction to the present financial perspective of the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS argues that the situation poses exactly this question.
Brigitte Muehlenbruch, EPWS President, criticizes structural shortcomings in EU and national funding rules and regulations in the European Research Area (ERA).

In an interview with duz, Dieter Imboden, President of the European Heads of Research Councils (EUROHORCs), calls on EU member states to assume responsibility for equal opportunities in science and research at European level and urges the European Commission to collaborate with national partners to find a solution for the present financial impasse of the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS.

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