EPWS in EU gender projects

EPWS members in ¾ of EU « Structural changes » FP7 and H2020 projects!

EPWS full, associate and supporting members are deeply involved in EU Gender projects in SiS (Science in Society –FP7) and SwafS (Science with and for Society- Horizon 2020).

From the list established in November 2017 by the Gender sector of DG Research, it appears that EPWS members were involved in 21 projects out of 27, i.e. 77% of them. Among these structural changes projects, 41% had at least one partner that was an EPWS member; 41% of them had at least one EPWS member among their advisory board members

And almost 20% of the projects are or were coordinated by an EPWS member.

structural changes projects

Read more about EU Gender projects in SiS (Science in Society – FP7) and SwafS  (Science with and for SocietyHorizon 2020)