EPWS Call for Signatures and Donations

The European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS, an umbrella organisation representing the interests of more than 12,000 women scientists in Europe and beyond, is facing a very difficult time as a result of which the organisation has to close down its secretariat in Brussels.

EPWS will continue its activities on a voluntary basis.
To be able to further promote women in science the Platform needs
your personal and financial support!

At the last EPWS General Assembly in Brussels on 25 June 2009, a Resolution has been adopted to urge all responsible European and national policy-makers to provide immediate financial support to EPWS to overcome the bottleneck and impasse created by existing European and national financial structures and help to ensure the continuation of the acknowledged quality of the Platform’s work, fulfilling an identified public need and an explicit political goal of the European Lisbon Agenda.

Please show your support and sign our Resolution before 27 September 2009!

In addition to the Resolution, a Call for Donations has been launched on the EPWS website.
For donations to EPWS, please click here and use the donation button on the left of the website.

Signing the EPWS Resolution and/or making a donation is still highly necessary to strengthen the role of EPWS, to acknowledge the tremendous work of the Platform in the last years and to keep the voice of women scientists in Europe alive!

Please help us to disseminate the Resolution and the Call for Donations! Send this text to your networks and colleagues and do not hesitate to publish it on your websites and newsletters.

Thank you for your support!

Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch
EPWS President

Dr. Maren Jochimsen
EPWS Secretary General