EPWS Annual Conference – Presentations

“Women in Present and Future European Research”
Brussels, Belgium, 10-11 June 2010

The European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS held its Annual Conference “Women in Present and Future European Research”, in Brussels, Belgium, from 10-11 June 2010, in the Royal Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.

The aim of the Conference was to report on recent and current projects from across Europe to improve the gender balance in science. A number of important European projects supported by DG Research under the 7. Framework Programme, tackling the issue of gender balance in science were presented as well as projects encouraging girls into science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The Conference was attended by about 60 representatives of European organizations of women scientists from 13 countries from all over Europe.

The keynote lecture was given by Luisa Prista, Head of the Unit Scientific Culture and Gender Issues, DG Research, “New Developments in the European Research Area ERA for Women in Science”. The projects presented were e. g. PRAGES, genSET, MASIS, HELENA, GENDERA, UNICAFE, DIVERSITY, JUNO and many more.

It was a lively market place of networks, ideas and partnerships. The participants had the opportunity to present their work both through participating in discussion sessions and through a poster exhibition highlighting their activities related to the Conference topics.

To read the Conference Presentations, please click here