EPWS 2018 report to the French Ministry of Higher Education


EPWS survey on “Support to male and female PhD students and post-docs and specific trainings for a better integration into academic and non-academic worlds in various European countries (except France)”.

for the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation- 09/2018

Claudine Hermann, EPWS President

Original French title: « Accompagnement des doctorant·e.s et formations spécifiques pour l’insertion dans le monde du travail public et privé dans divers pays d’Europe »


The purpose of this study is to inform the Office for Human Resources, Equality and Anti-discrimination Strategies of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) on good practices in different European countries.

EPWS Board members and members were asked to provide information about the situation in their own country. Answers were received on the situations in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, United Kingdom and relevant European Union projects were analysed.

These data are informative and various. They were completed by information taken from many websites: interesting elements were also found on EU projects and on an Australian university.

The sources quoted in the present report are available on internet, their links are given in the references. The documents can be in French on in English, sometimes in German. We do not try to be exhaustive but only intend to give a flavor of the great variety of initiatives on the report topic.

Annexes A to L, which are taken from websites, are generally in English, which will allow them to be read by a wider audience. In the main text, the most relevant points of each annex are summarised in French.


Report content:

  • The issue of professional world integration of young graduate or post-doctoral researchers is included in the 2005 European Charter for researchers and Code of Conduct for their recruitment of the European Commission, that we recall in Chapter II.
  • Indeed such young researchers’ trainings very often include a European or international mobility, and their integration in the work world has to be considered in such a perspective.
  • In III we will give a flavor of the variety of approaches of this professional integration in terms of targets and of structures organising or realising relevant actions.
  • In Chapter IV we provide a few characteristic examples of actions proposed by universities. – In V, initiatives that we found particularly original are pointed out.
  • Finally we conclude in Chapter VI.


Download the Full Report  ( in French, with Annexes in English)