The EPWS 12th General Assembly (GA) was organised on September 19th 2018 in the beautiful premises of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), Pisa, Italy, thanks to the help of its Italian member Donne e Scienza. The GA was attended by 27 persons from 10 European Countries (BE, CZ, DE, CH, FR, IT, LT, NL, PT, UK) and Armenia.
In addition to the statutory part of the GA, the following currently important points were presented to the audience:
-EPWS is watching the place of gender in Horizon Europe, the next EU Framework Programme that will start in 2021. In addition to resulting projects funding, gender in Framework Programme has important consequences on equality policies in the EU Member States.

-Three new EPWS initiatives were announced at the GA:
*From September 2018 on, a series of “Woman scientist of the month” interviews will appear on the EPWS website, replacing the previous EPWS associations interviews: the women portrayed are distinguished women scientists also interested in European and gender issues.
-A Facebook Group is being created to liaise the “young” members of the EPWS associations (any such member who feels “young” is welcome).
– In the coming days EPWS will launch a survey to identify the expectations and concerns of women scientists working in Europe. This survey will consist in an online questionnaire, open to all active women scientists, EPWS members and non-members. For it to be significant, the survey will need to collect a very large number of answers from all over Europe.