Elisabeth Schiemann Kolleg of the Max Planck Society: Call for nominations

The Elisabeth Schiemann Kolleg of the Max Planck Society is calling for nominations of female postdocs, group leaders, junior professors or female scientists working towards their habilitations in chemistry, physics, mathematics,computer science or technical disciplines.
Within the Elisabeth‐Schiemann‐Kolleg, scientific membersof the Max Planck Society foster the careers of excellent female scientists after their postdoc phase, helping them to succeed on their way to a possible appointment as a University Chair or a director at a Max Planck Institute. Additionally, the Kolleg offers a platform for transdisciplinary scientific exchange. Fellows are not supported financially.
All professors and directors of research institutions worldwide can nominate candidates. It does not matter where and how the candidates are employed, only tenured researchers are not eligible.
A complete nomination includes the candidate’s vita and her brief summary of current and future scientific activities, as well as two recommendation letters, by the nominator and by another professor. One of them should come from a German research institution or university.

Deadline for nominations: February 28th, 2015