Careers of Women in Enterprises and in Public Research: What Solutions to Improve Them?

Carrières des femmes en entreprises et dans la recherche publique.
Quelles solutions pour les valoriser?

10 October 2009, Paris.
L’université Paris 6
Cordeliers, salle Bilsky Pasquier
*15 rue de l’Ecole de médecine, Paris 6°

“This conference questions the valorisation of women’s careers and compares the professional paths of women and men in Enterprises and Public Research.
It focuses on the conditions which lead to the “glass roof” which prevents women from obtaining top positions, and on the means to deal with such conditions.

We will analyse the actions aimed at helping young women scientists to be fully successful in their careers. We will introduce some comparisons at the European level and present specific measures taken in several countries.

This conference will bring together specialists from the human sciences and other disciplines, institutional and enterprise leaders, and the general public.”

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