ENTERPRISE IRELAND invites applicants to its new Marie Skłodowska-Curie cofunded trans-national programme that offers an opportunity for experienced researchers to develop their careers in market focused applied research in Ireland’s Technology Centres, with an enterprise secondment (of 6-12 months in an Enterprise Ireland client company) during the Fellowship (of 36 months). Covering a wide range of academic and industry areas aligned with Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy, the 15 Technology Centres were established to encourage greater efficiency in the interaction between researchers, industry, and the public sector, in research that promotes economic growth by its direct relevance to industry agendas. Each multidisciplinary Centre offers excellent facilities and equipment for Fellow use: experienced scientific staff to support the Fellow’s research and extensive enterprise relationships on which market focused applied research can be progressed.
Career-FIT is a postdoctoral fellowship programme, part-funded by Horizon 2020 and part funded by Enterprise Ireland. A key feature of Career-FIT is the opportunity for experienced researchers from outside Ireland to develop their careers in market focused applied research through 3 year fellowships with secondment into industry through Ireland’s Technology Centres.
Successful candidates will carry out research in Ireland and will gain inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary exposure through this programme.
Experienced researchers are defined as those who are in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience.
The second call has an application deadline of 30th April 2018.
The second call will remain open from November 2017- April 2018.
2018 Call: online submission system
The second call has an application deadline of 30 April 2018. There will be 27 fellowships awarded in each call.
Additional Information can be accessible from the following site: http://www.horizon2020.ie/career-fit/
or by email: careerfit@enterprise-ireland.com