Call for tender – Collection of methods, tools and good practices in the field of Women and the Media

“The study to be carried out under this contract will focus on the collection and dissemination of methods, tools and good practices in the field of Women and the Media (as described by area J of Beijing Platform for Action), in EU Member States and Croatia.

In particular, the study will take into account the existing tools and methods designed and implemented with the purpose of:

  • Monitoring the participation and access of women to expression in the Media;
  • Monitoring of participation and access of women to decision making in the Media;
  • Establishing gender sensitive self-regulation in media organisations;
  • Training staff and decision makers of media organisations on how to develop gender analysis, monitoring of gender dimension and promote the gender perspective in media and communication;

It aims to develop a better knowledge on tools, methods and good practices, collected across the EU27 and Croatia, to make available to users practical information related to tools, methods and good practices as well as to foster the exchange of good practices in this area.

At the request of the tenderer, EIGE may provide additional information solely for the purpose of clarifying the nature of the contract. Any additional information including that referred to above will be published on this website.
Requests for additional information/clarification should be received by 13/06/2012.

The answers to such requests, if any, will be published under this banner, therefore you are invited to visit EIGE’s website regularly for updates.

Requests for additional information will not be processed if received later than the above-mentioned date.
If you intend to participate in this tender, kindly send us an e-mail confirming this intention ( notifying us.”