“Blaise Pascal” Chairs 2012 – Open call for World class researchers

“Since 1995, the national State and the Ile-de-France Region have supported the “Blaise Pascal” Chairs, i.e. International Research Chairs to accommodate highly qualified, internationally acclaimed, foreign research scientists (two Nobel Prizes holders have already benefited from this scheme) in all scientific fields: exact sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities, applied sciences and new technologies.

Each Chair allows the foreign scientist to be hosted during 12 full months, possibly spread over 2 years, in one or more well-known Higher Education or Research Institutions in Paris/Ile-de-France providing suitable environment, equipment and means to carry out world class research. Each project can be given up to 200 000 € which includes among other things, salaries, social charges, taxes and accompanying expenses. The candidates are required to give about ten lectures (pedagogical programme to be joined), will have to deliver an activity report and to organise a public seminar at the end of their stay.

The 2012 call is now open with a deadline for applications on 15 December 2011. A multi-disciplinary jury will select 4 applicants based on the scientific interest of the project for Ile-de-France Region, on its interdisciplinary characteristic and the quality of the application. Selected researchers may start their project in the Paris/Ile-de-France research institution from September 2012 on.

The applications must be filled jointly (in English or French) and presented by a person in charge of the laboratory receiving the candidate.

Women’s applications highly welcome! 
Women represent only 10% of the applicants, applications by female candidates are highly encouraged; please help us get more!

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