Academic Career and Life: Balancing Career Development

Seminar by UCL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

The academic career is very tough for researchers with caring responsibilities, including parents and the main carers of family members with (long-term) illness. We would like to invite you to attend a seminar on 20th June to discuss about career development for academics with caring responsibilities.


Date and time
Wed 20 June 2018
09:30 – 14:30 BST

Garwood Lecture Theatre 1st Floor // South Wing University College London
Gower Street
London // WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom


This seminar is to discuss more

(a) the challenges (both personal and career-wise) of developing an academic career while having caring responsibilities,

(b) currently available supports and opportunities (including mentorship, networks of support, funding schemes targeting such applicants),

(c) the remaining issues and potential actions to be taken to accommodate the needs of research/academic staff and students with (in particular long-term) caring responsibilities.

This seminar will invite all PhD students, (in particular early career) postdoctoral researchers, teaching and research fellows, and academic staff from different departments, background, gender, race, and experience levels. The event will include three talks and one discussion/working session, followed by a networking lunch. The seminar will discuss (1) the challenges of having caring responsibilities while developing an academic career, (2) the available supports (legal, financial, personal support made available by NGOs and volunteer groups, and funding buddies for carers to have flexible working patterns and/or reintegrate the researcher before, during and after the career break), and (3) share the views of both employers and carers on the potential actions they expect to be taken. After three talks and a short Q&A, there will be a discussion session allowing the attendees to get personalised advice from the speakers and also more experienced attendees. This session will also help to have a better mutual understanding of the carers’ needs and expectation.


  • Registration 9:45-10:00
  • Introduction (by Dr Ana Basiri) 10:00-10:15
  • Conferences: representative or extreme examples of care-free academia? (by Dr Emily F. Henderson)10:15-10:45
  • Work Life Balance in Europe (by Dr Gianna Avellis) 10:50-11:20
  • Who Cares for the Carers (by Dr Madiha Sajid) 11:25-12:00
  • Discussions, Questions and Answers 12:00-12:30
  • Networking and Lunch 12:30-14:00


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