Apply to French Fellowships l’Oréal-UNESCO, For Women in Science



Each year the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science
National and Regional programs represent:

– Over 6,500 applications,
– 250 talented young women scientists granted Fellowships to pursue promising research projects,
– 47 programs covering 112 countries,
– 44 prestigious partners among the highest scientific authorities in their countries.
– Over 350 international scientists participated in selecting the National and Regional fellows.


Apply Now!


Partners :

French National Commission for UNESCO
French Academy of Sciences

Number of
fellowships given :
30 annual Fellowships (15 docs + 15 postdocs)
fellowships amount :
15 000 € for Docs & 20 000 € for Postdocs

Requirements :

Doctoral & Postdoctoral level
Life & Physical Sciences Fields
Working or studying in France

Top 3 selection criteria :

Academic excellence
Quality and originality of the research project
Capacity to promote science among young people

Launch year :

Number of fellowships given to date :



Founded in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science partnership
was created to recognize and promote women in science.
Its programs reward established women scientists whose outstanding
achievements have contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge and of its benefits
to society and provide support to promising young women who are already making significant
contributions in their scientific disciplines. This platform will respectively enable you:
to apply to our different fellowships programs, to nominate candidates,
for the international awards or to participate in the different selection processes.