ACT mapping survey – Building CoPs towards gender equality

ACT is a Horizon 2020 project and short for “Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe”. The aim of the project is to support research performing and research funding organisations as well as R&D companies in their gender equality actions. This aim will be achieved through creating and supporting Communities of Practice (CoPs) – collaborating groups of practitioners, academics and experts – that work on advancing gender equality on the organisational level and on enhancing the integration of a gender dimension in research and teaching.

Click here to take the survey.



The main objectives of this online-survey are:

  • to map actors – practitioners and experts – in the EU-28 who are currently active in advancing gender equality in their organisations/departments and to give you the opportunity to become part of the ACT Communities of Practice (Part I of the survey);
  • to get information about the status quo of gender equality implementation activities in your organisation and your network of collaborators (Part II of the survey);
  • to identify the expertise and support you would need to overcome barriers your organisation faces (Part III of the survey) so that ACT can develop suitable support and helpful tools to promote and strengthen existing and future collaborations.

You may choose to provide us with your personal data for further contact and collaboration within the ACT project or, if you prefer, to fill in the questionnaire anonymously. You will find our data protection policy on the next page.


Click here to take the survey.