4th UIEG Colloquium “In Plural Masculine, the Usefulness of the Concept ‘Masculinities’ for Research Purposes”

The University Institute for Gender Studies Research (IUIEG) dedicates its activity to scientific and technical research in the field of gender studies at the University of Alicante (Spain). It is responsible for promoting, supporting and coordinating research in this field.

The organisation of conferences, seminars and courses to undertake research in gender studies is one of the IUIEG’s key activities. Actually, on 14 and 15 November 2018, the University of Alicante hosted the 4th IUIEG Colloquium: “En masculino plural. La utilidad del concepto ‘Masculinidades’ para la investigación“ (In Plural Masculine, the Usefulness of the Concept ‘Masculinities’ for Research Purposes), with the participation of around twenty researchers, experts in the study of masculinities, one of the most innovative lines of research in the field of gender studies.



During the meeting, the WHO (World Health Organisation) European Regional Office presented for the first time its “Strategy and report on men’s health and well-being”, in which the men’s health and masculinities unit of the University of Alicante’s Research Group in Public Health have actively participated. This strategy focuses on a number of priority areas of action to improve men’s health and, at the same time, contribute to the achievement of gender equality. To know more about our institute, read its profile.