Applications are welcome for the opening of 5 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) positions associated with PhD-level research activities as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Industrial Doctorate (EID) programme related to the Consortium “REMEDI” (Trapping and Removal of X-ray Contrast Medium agents from water resource and stream Sediments New Concepts in Trapping, Recycling and Management). The latter leverages on a partnership between Politecnico di Milano (Italy), the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) and TAUW GMBH (Germany).
The Eucor Upper Rhine Immunology doctoral programme (EURIdoc) offers 28 doctoral positions in immunology and biomedicine in a cross-border research network of the universities of Freiburg, Strasbourg, Basel and Karlsruhe. The PhD research projects cover haematopoiesis, immune cell differentiation, innate and adaptive effector functions, immune-related diseases, infection and cancer immunity.
The positions are EU-funded for 4 years
Apply here
June 14, 2021
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