The Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of European Union has launched a huge MSCA COFUND project entitled Doctorate programme on Emerging battery Storage Technologies INspiring Young scientists, DESTINY
CNRS, acting as the coordinator, with 43 European partner institutions working on future batteries and related issues on energy storage, committed to ambitiously participate in the long-term research initiative Battery 2030+. A new paradigm change in battery research is foreseen. The project consists in delivering a competitive edge to European industry and academy within the rapidly emerging green technology areas of Electro-mobility and Large-scale energy storage.
In this context, DESTINY, a highly advanced PhD training programme opens a second application call enrolling 24 doctoral positions, located in several European countries, and that will start on 1st October 2022. The large consortium is composed of Universities, Research centers, Large Scale Facilities and Industry companies located in 11 European countries.
To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women with the required qualifications are explicitly desired.
Apply here
Deadline 17 January 2022