14 PhD positions available at International Marie-Curie Programme

14 PhD positions are available for highly motivated Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) as part of the new H2020, EU-funded, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Joint Training and Research Programme “QUANTIMONY: Quantum Semiconductor Technologies exploiting Antimony”.

The QUANTIMONY consortium is a European Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) with a core focus on the field of Sb based semiconductor science and technology, covering all scientific and engineering aspects from modelling through to material growth and characterization, device fabrication and analysis, and industrial exploitation.



We are looking for 14 young talented ESRs to work towards their PhD in one of these countries: Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and UK starting on April/June 2021.



Comprehensive, interactive and international research training on semiconductor materials and devices covering fabrication, characterization, theoretical aspects and their application towards scalable and industrially relevant technologies.

• Secondments and travel opportunities, as well as research-specific, complementary and transferrable skills courses and workshops, delivered by academic and industry experts, which are tailor-made to prepare young researchers for their future careers.

• Three or four year contracts with a highly competitive salary adapted to the life cost in each host country.

• Family allowances (where applicable) as part of the employment package.


The QUANTIMONY consortium adheres to the European code of conduct for recruitment of researchers and offers and promotes a diverse and inclusive environment. We welcome applications from people in all diversity groups regardless of age, disability, gender, nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation.


More information and applications here

Deadline: January 31st, 2021