The EDENE, European Doctoral Program in Energy and Environment, led by UPPA, is co-funded within the framework of the Marie-Sklodovska-Curie COFUND actions of the Horizon H2020 program of the European Commission. EDENE is an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral project that is committed to
1 / recruit candidates through a rigorous and fair process via eligibility, ethics and selection committees made up of external experts;
2 / guarantee training of excellence through the expertise of the UPPA laboratories and their network, via a 3-year contract;
3 / encourage collaborations with partners, international leaders in energy and the environment (University of Zaragoza, Total, Enedis, Terega, Bertin, Pôle Avénia, SATT);
4 / provide personalized follow-up to doctoral students from their reception to their professional integration.
Through this First Call for Projects, CALL#1, EDENE will allow 10 excellent researchers to develop their talent beyond the Master, via a project of their choice, while being integrated in the best teams of UPPA and possible partners. Motivated candidates are asked to define their own research project in cooperation with their host unit at UPPA, so they can develop a successful cooperation in term of research, excellence and career development.
The program EDENE is commited to hiring the best possible researchers for the PhD positions regardless of sex, age, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, sexuality, disabilities, etc… EDENE will be based on these values and the principle of equal treatment in recruitment, working conditions, monitoring and management.
Deadline: 31/03/2021