The mission of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) is to create a diverse European network that promotes research excellence and advances breakthroughs in AI, as well as a pan-European PhD program to educate the next generation of AI researchers. The newly established ELLIS unit brings together an interdisciplinary team of outstanding researchers at the University of Stuttgart and the Stuttgart site of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) advancing research in learning and intelligent systems from four synergistic perspectives: Interactive Intelligent Systems, Natural and Programming Language Processing, Learning Theory, and Robot Learning.
SimTech was established in 2007 in the framework of the German Excellence Strategy with the goal of establishing the University of Stuttgart as a world leading research center for simulation technology. A Cluster of Excellence is the most significant and substantial grant for collaborative research funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). SimTech aims to integrate simulation science and data science into a new paradigm by bringing together teams of researchers from seven faculties at the University, nearby academic institutions, and international research groups.
To strengthen our joint research activities we are looking for an excellent and highly motivated scientist with an outstanding early-career track record (e.g. demonstrated by publications at top conferences and journals, visible research impact, and/or international research experience) in machine learning, (interactive) intelligent systems, or other closely related topics contributing to the Cluster’s research agenda. Applicants should have received excellent academic degrees in computer science, natural sciences, or mathematics and will contribute to one or more of the above research areas of the unit as well as the different project networks within SimTech:
The successful candidate will start and lead a new independent research group jointly affiliated with the ELLIS unit and SimTech. The position will be fully-funded for up to four years, including the group leader position (TV-L E14), funds for doctoral projects (TV-L E13), as well as start-up funds, and annual budget. The new group is expected to establish a competitive research program that contributes to the success of both the unit and the Cluster.
To apply, submit your application by 28 February 2022 to as a single PDF comprising a cover letter, an academic CV, a full list of publications, a description of past and future research activities (explicitly linking the research to both ELLIS and SimTech), degree certificates, and transcripts of records from Bachelor/Master/PhD degrees. Application as well as three reference letters should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl, Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart. Further information and an application form can be found here: Please be aware of the risks regarding confidentiality and the integrity of your application contents when sending your application via e-mail.
At the University of Stuttgart, we actively promote diversity among our employees. We have set ourselves the goal of recruiting more women scientists and employing more people with an international background, as well as people with disabilities. We are therefore particularly pleased to receive applications from such people. Regardless, we welcome any good application.
Women who apply will be given preferential consideration in areas in which they are underrepresented, provided they have the same aptitude, qualifications and professional performance. Severely disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be given priority.
As a certified family-friendly university, we support the compatibility of work and family, and of professional and private life in general, through various flexible modules. We have an employee health management system that has won several awards and offers our employees a wide range of continuing education programs. We are consistently improving our accessibility. Our Welcome Center helps international scientists get started in Stuttgart. We support partners of new professors and managers with a dual-career program.
Information in accordance with Article 13 DS-GVO on the processing of applicant data can be found at
Apply here
Deadline February 28, 2022